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Friday, January 29, 2010

Acceleration Kundalini Meditation

Acceleration Kundalini Meditation

Meditation aims to accelerate the evolution of kundalini

  1. With a total surrender Please pray God's blessing that meditation is implemented as expected results, may also follow the following prayer: Dear God I worship, may I please approve meditation, with your kundalini serpent in the forehead servants will accelerate I kundalini growth in holiness. Thank you for your blessings Lord.
  2. Say the following mantra 11 times "Mulialah Kundalini" or "Om Kundalini ya Namah " Concentrate on the forehead about 1 finger on exactly eyebrows meeting in the area of Shiva's eyes, the seedlings distributed kundalini energy in the mind of God. Ask to clear the mind of negative energy and beg to be given light. Wait a few moments in quiet situations
  3. Distributes seeds kundalini energy in the right hand of God. Ask for clean right hand of the negative energy and ask to be given light. Please order the disc in the right hand activated and divided. Feel the light shining right hand and all the chakras blossom and grow. Wait a few moments in a state of calm
  4. Idem No. 3 to the left hand
  5. Idem No. 3 to the right leg
  6. Idem No. 3 to the left leg
  7. Idem No. 3 to the body
  8. Idem No. 3 to the neck and head
  9. Channel the energy of God's seed in chakra kundalini nirvana. Ask to clean out all the major chakras of negative energy and beg to be given light. Ask that all the major chakras activated and divided. Feel the basic chakras bloom and grow, then feel also the sex chakra, navel chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, chakra ajna, and crown chakras bloom and grow with a white light, wait while in a state of calm.
  10. Channel the energy of God's seed in chakra kundalini nirvana, seek to cleanse our bodies 3 That body earth, astral body and spirit body, felt the third body glow.
  11. Distributes seeds kundalini energy back into the Eyes Lord Shiva on his forehead, ask holy water supernatural Sanjiwani, imagine seeds holy water supernatural Sanjiwani issued from his mouth down the entire body and illuminates the basic chakra kundalini where we are. Experience the kundalini snake rapidly expanding and white, Wait moments in quiet situations.
  12. Ask God to meditation had improved. Close the meditation by saying grace to God meditation may benefit themselves, their families and our environment.

Excerpted from the book Sastra Kundalini by I Putu Ngurah Ardika, SSn

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