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Friday, October 30, 2009

Activities Schedule Spiritual Dharma Sastra Foundation in November 2009

Activities Schedule Spiritual Dharma Sastra Foundation in November 2009

  1. Sunday, 1 November 2009 purification in Pesraman Semanik start 09.00 wita - finish
  2. Tuesday, 3 November 2009 Meditation in GOR Ngurah Rai starts at 20.00 wita - finish
  3. Friday, 6 November 2009 Meditation in Wantilan Poh Gading start at 20.00 wita - finish
  4. Sunday, 8 November 2009 Gebyar Kundalini at Nari Graha Building Renon began at 09.00 wita - finish
  5. Tuesday, November 10, 2009 Meditation in GOR Ngurah Rai starts at 20.00 - finish
  6. Friday, 13 November 2009 Meditation Kundalini Ajaib Wantilan Poh Gading starts at 20.00 wita - finish
  7. Sunday, November 15 purification at Pura Tirta Empul start wita 06.00 - finish and Kundalini Sakti Deepening Meditation at Hotel Nikki start at 19.00 wita - finish
  8. Tuesday, 17 November 2009 Meditation in GOR Ngurah Rai starts at 20.00 - finish
  9. Friday, 20 November 2009 in Meditation Kundalini Ajaib Wantilan Poh Gading start at 20.00 wita- finish
  10. Sunday, 22 November Tirta Yatra to Batu Bolong Temple, Canggu start at 09.30 wita - finish
  11. Tuesday, November 24, 2009 Meditation in GOR Ngurah Rai start at 20.00 wita - finish
  12. Friday, 27 November 2009 Meditation Kundalini Ajaib in Wantilan Poh Gading start at 20.00 wita - finish
  13. Sunday, November 29 Tirta Yatra to Indra Kusuma Temple , Jembrana start at 09.30 wita - finish

NB: Dates above subject to change

For more information can contact the secretariat of Spiritual Dharma Sastra Foundation, Jalan Lembu Sura Kav. I No. 3, Br Poh Gading, Ubung Kaja - North Denpasar, Bali, Tel 0361-8509601 and tel Usadha clinic 0361 8078842

Friday, October 23, 2009

Kundalini Sakti Deepening Meditation

Kundalini Sakti Deepening Meditation

On 18 October 2009 at the Matahari Ballroom Hotel Nikki Denpasar, Spiritual Dharma Sastra Foundation under the tutelage of Kundalini Spiritual Teacher I Putu Ngurah Ardika,, and Ida Ayu Inten Ganetri, S.H., hold a meditation with the deepening of the kundalini sakti or superior. Before the meditation together, in the morning 06.00 - 08.00 wita event purification held together in Merta Sari Beach, Sanur. This meditation training began in the hours 12:00 to 17:00 wita and followed by around 200 of the kundalini students both new and old because it could be followed by all students either beginners or kundalini senior

On that occasion, Mr. Ngurah Ardika said that the kundalini sakti / superior energy extraordinary and in view of this powerful spiritual kundalini is based on the tail bone with the sun and moon decorated. Kundalini sakti / Superior has several stages of the generation stage I called kundalini sakti, kundalini Phase II is a super powerful and Phase III is the stage of super-cosmic. If all of this will be raised to glory and fame effects in people. Because once stood will radiate an aura of luck with the corresponding perfect that would be full of charisma and authority. In addition, kundalini sakti also serves to clean the layers of the body and for physical and spiritual healing.

With the rise of kundalini sakti / superior is someone will be able to treat themselves, family and others and most importantly can be used for cleaning the layers of the body which is actually a sin and our karma, both from the past, present and future.

Besides deepening exercise kundalini sakti, also provided training and Agni Sakti and Dragon Wisesa. According to Pak Ngurah Wisesa Dragon is located in the mind that serves to inhibit the divine energy into us, so if this Wisesa Dragon issued the holy divine energy will flow freely and perfectly. Having issued this Wisesa Dragon can stay in the neck or the waist and will serve as a weapon by the name of the Dragon Nenggala that can be used to protect themselves and families.

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